Saturday, July 11, 2009


Diy water temperature gauge installation(DIY MEMASANG WATER TEMPRETURE METER(HOT STUFF TYPE RR)

.This meter can stick on top of your dashboard meter suhu boleh lekat dekat dashborad

1.. Read the manual provided or wiring diagram first before you start the work. (Baca manual atau gambarajah wairing terlebih dahalu sebelum pemasangan dilakukan)
2.. to avoid from unnecessary short circuit please remove your negative terminai batery connection
( Buka punca negative beteri kereta anda dahulu sebelum memulakan kerjaa. )

Meter Rear view( belakang meter)

3.Sambungkan wayar lampu meter ke terminal negative dan terminal positive seperti gambarajah diatas (fig(b)Connect lamp wire to terminal negative and positive meter as shown at fig( b)

fig(c)A CONNECTION HAS BEEN MADE FROM WIRE IGNITION(satu sambungan telah dibuat dari wayar ignition)
4.Remove the cover under steering car than look for ignation wire.Make a connection there(buka cover dibawah stereng stereng kereta supaya anda dapat mancari wayar ignation,buat satu sambungan disana.)

fig(d)Ground connection is made(sambungan ground sudah dibuat )
5.Connect one ground to any part of the body car.(Buat satu wayar ground,boleh disambung dimana-mana body kereta)
6.Just pull the wire up to dashboard through the saide of dashboard(tarik wayar sambungan tadi naik keatas dasboard melalui tepi dashboard).fig(E)

7)Slot wire into the meter holder(Masukan wayar kedalam meter holder )

8.Just connect the wire to terminal negative and positive meter(Sambungkan wayar tadi ke punca negative dan positive meter )

fig(h)Tempreture switch(tempreture suis )

9.Original temperature switch cant be used as the ohm value is different.I change the switch with new one supplied by distributer.( Tempreture suis standard tak boleh digunakan kerana nilai ohm adalah berbeza,tukar dengan suis yg dibekalkan oleh pengedar).10.Remove the original switch and exchange with new one(buka tempreture suis anda dan tukarkan dgn suis yang baru. )

11.Make a wire connection at the switch tempreture(buat satu sambungan wayar di suis tempreture. )

12.Pull wire switch through the passage hole of rpm cable(tarik wayar suis dan masukkan kelaluan kabel rpm supaya anda dapat menyambungka ke punca meter.)13.Wire from temperature switch is connected to the meter.Re-connect terminal negative battery to test the meter.Start the engine for a few minutes wait till it reach to a normal operation temperature and check temperature reading.Also check is there any leakage of coolant from temperature switch,if any thigten back the switch.wayar suis dari engine tadi disambung ke punca suis dimeter.sambungkan semula punca negative bateri kereta anda untuk menguji meter tempreture.hidupkan engine beberapa minit dan lihat bacaan meter.sekiranya meter beroperasi dgn baik maka kemaskan semua sambungan wiring anda dgn seelok-eloknya dan check tiada berlaku sebarang kebocoran coolant disuis tempreture anda,kalau bocor ketatkan sedikit suis tadi.14.Stick the meter to the dashboard and make sure it not interfere your vision while driving (lekatkan meter didashboard anda dan pastikan ia tidak menggangu penglihatan anda semasa memandu.....SELESAI. )

Replacing front engine mounting(DIY MENUKAR MOUNTING HADAPAN )

Newfront mounting mounting hadapan(baru).
Boken mounting
If engine mounting broken it will cause very bad engine vibration.(mounting kalau rosak akan menyebabkan engine bergegar kuat.)1.Jack the car ,placing jackstand sturdily on your left and right car.Hold the engine with jack to support engine when mounting remove from it.(dont crawl under the car with only using jack it's dengerous)Jek kereta ,letakan jak stand dgn kukuh dikiri dan kanan kereta.sokong engine dgn jek supaya engine dpt disokong apabila mounting dibuka. awas jgn masuk kebawah kereta dgn hanya menggunakan jek merbahaya.

2.Remove mounting bolt from engine bracket( buka skru mounting yg memegang breket engine. )

3.remove two mounting bolts from crossmember(Buka dua skru mounting yg memegang ke cross member) facilitate the work or to get more space ,release cross member from body chasis.Untuk memudahkan kerja atau mendapat ruang yang lebih buka dua skru cross member yang terikat di body chasis.

Remove above bolts to release cross member from chasis( buka dua bolt dibawah crossmember
5.Fix new mounting by installing the bolts to crossmember.(Pasang mounting yang baru.ikat dua skru dicross member.)

6.Instal back the mounting bolt to engine bracket(Pasang skru mounting ke breket yang memegang engine. )
7.put on 2 bolts on cross member and tighten it to body chasis securely.(Ikat semula skru di cross memeber yang melekatkan ke chasis body.selesai )
Change the termostat(MENUKAR TERMOSTAT )

Amaran jangan mengelurkan coolant,membuka tudung radiator atau menukar termostat sekiranya enjin masih panas mulakan kerja semasa enjin dalam keadaan sejuk.(warning do not remove the radiator cap,drain the coolant or replace the thermostat until the engine has cooled completely. new thermostat


1.(thermostat housing terletak bersebelahan dengan cylinder head ia bersambung dengan radiator hose. thermostat housing is located just next to cylinder head and radiator hose connect to it).

(2. )

2.(slacken the clip and detach the coolant hose from the thermostat housing cover be prepare coolant will splash out )Buka skru clip di radiator hose ,tarik hose supaya ia keluar dari housing, coolant akan keluar dari hose ,sediakan besin dibawahnya supaya dapat menakung coolant.


3a)(unscrew the securing bolt)buka dua skru di housing termostat
3b)Thermostat sudah dikeluarkan ,bersihkan sisa gasket atau rtv yang masih melekat.(remove thermostat and clean all trace of the old gasket and rtv which stick at housing area)

3c)bersihkan sisa gasket dan juga gam rtv yang melekat di tudung termostat(clean old gasket and rtv from thermostat cover

3.Buka 2 skru housing supaya tudung termostat boleh dibuka ,sekiranya ketat cuba ketuk dgn tukul getah sehingga ia terbuka,cabut tudung dan keluarkan gasketnya sekali.(Unscrew the two bolt and remove the cover from the termostat housing.if it stick tap it gentaly with a soft mallet,remove the gasket,then lift the thermostat from the housing)

(4) Masukan termostat baru ketempat asalnya semula.Kedudukan termostat mestilah betul iaitu spring menghala kebawah.(Fit new thermostat squarely into its housing obsereving the correct orientation -compressing spring must face down)

(5)Pasang gasket baru diatas termostat housing,pasang termostat cover dan ikat semula dua skru sheinga ketat secukupnya.(Lay new gasket in position over the thermostat housing cover in position,then insert the retaining bolt and thigten it.)
(6)Pasang semula coolant hose dan ketatkan clipnya.(Refit the coolant hose and thighten the hose clip securerly

Refill the coolent sufficiently to the radiator tank) (7)Tambahkan coolant ke dalam radiotor sehingga cukup.(
(8)Hidupkan engine dan pastikan sistem penyejukan beroperasi dengan baik.(Start the engine and check the cooling system is working properly)

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Sunday, July 5, 2009


Kerja -kerja DIY adalah tanggungjawab anda sendiri ,saya tidak bertanggungjawab atas kecederaan diri atau kerosakan kenderaan yang berlaku kepada anda.patuhi peraturan dan keselamatan semasa melakukan kerja.Rujuk kepada peraturan dan keselamatan semasa berkerja di bengkel kereta..contoh 1)kerja yang berkaitan dengan petrol boleh melibatkan kebakaran..2.Menjek kereta amat merbahaya sekiranya tidak mengikut peraturan kerana jek boleh rosak pada bila-bila masa dan kerata akan jatuh..3.) habuk break sangat merbahaya jika tehidu dan macam-macam utamakan keselamatan anda terlebih dahulu..
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