Last friday when i was driving to Sunway Pyrimid suddenly my engine tempreture meter reach to 120celcius ,quickly i stop my car check the engine and found radiator fan not spinning.I was lucky because my engine didn't overheat yet,but i can heard boiling sound came out from radiator.After rest for half an hour i continue drive to look for workshop unfortunetly all workshop was closed,so i have no choices,i have to sattle this problem alone with myself.First thing i do is check fuse and its ok then i do direct connection fan to battery and found fan not spinning so i cant do anything solution is wait until night when the road is free i drive slowly and safetly back to my home.
( Hari Jumaat lepas semasa nak pergi sunway pyramid tiba-tiba tengok meter tempreture dah sampai 120celcius ,mak oi problem ni bawak budak kecik pulak nih,selepas tol saya berhenti buka bonet tengok kipas radiator dah kong.engine panas ,dekat radiator boleh dengar air mengelegak ,nasib baik air tak memancut keluar(pakai penutup radiator japan ,tahan lasak penutup radiator ni tahan dengan high pressure).Saya lepak setengah jam pas tu pandu terus masuk pyramid ,bengkel semua dah tutup masak aku kali ni.Anak ngan maknya suruh lepak kat pyramid saya cuba nak setelkan kipas ni tension tul.Perkara pertama check fius ok,pas tu buat direct connection betri ke kipas ,tak jalan juga maka betoi lah kipas ni dah ko.(Bro nak buat direct kipas pusing mesti hati-hati OK,PANASSS,KIPAS BOLEH PUSING TIBA-TIBA JAGA JARI DGN TANGAN ANDA).sO saya tak boleh nak buat apa-apa tungu malam sikit jalan clear baru saya gerak,pahem-pahem lah SUN WAY TOL jEm tahap gile,kalau gua lalu time jEm masti kantoi kereta ni.pukul 8 malam saya gerak ,selamat sampai kerumah,ambik masa satu jam..)
1.before starting your work makesure the engine is not hot.(Sebelum memulakan kerja pastikan engine kereta anda tidak panas.)
2.Remove all bolt that hold the radiator fan(Buka keempat-empat bolt yang memegang kipas radiator.)